Gain clarity. Feel relief. You are fully supported.

Intuitive Guidance + Akashic Records


We work from a soul’s perspective to see a more holistic picture of what you’re going through and any soul lessons you may be experiencing.

We will look at energetic blueprints to see what’s in flow and what needs to be released.

I open a sacred container for you, and together, we will connect and work with the Divine to help you to gain insight and guidance on a variety of life issues.

During an Intuitive Guidance Session, through using a blend of spiritual intuition, your Akashic Record, and energetic blueprints, I will help relay any information or guidance that may be relevant to you NOW on your life journey.

If you’re interested in additional support, please reach out to learn more about my Inner Soul Coaching program.

Book a Session

Intuitive Guidance Sessions work in tandem with you, your Soul, and Divine Guidance. We often get caught up in the problems and stressors of day-to-day life. Yet your Soul has a larger, more vast and deeper perspective of your life than you do.

A good intuitive session, or reading, validates the intuitive hunches that you have felt previously, while leaving you feeling validated, empowered, understood, and relieved. You will have clarity and peace through your realizations. These sessions are always in the spirit of collaborative partnership.

All Intuitive Sessions are done over Zoom. Video is optional.

All registration are final. Your registration acts as your agreement with the Client Agreement.

Are you ready to deepen your connection to yourself?