Attempt lightly. Any step is better than NO step. My first 15 seconds.

I had an ambitious plan to take cold showers.


Up until this point, I’ve had ZERO experience with intentionally taking cold morning showers. 

I know the health benefits are there, but the idea of putting myself through something so uncomfortable did not make ANY sense to my brain. 

I’ve done cold baths at Korean spas before and that was part of the fun: hopping back and forth between the hot and cold baths. 

However, I’ve NEVER intentionally thought of starting my mornings with cold showers. 

Once I had the idea, it took DAYS before I mustered up the “feeling” that I was “ready.” 

Of course I WASN’T ready!

My first attempt: I THOUGHT about taking a cold shower that morning, but I didn’t. At all. 

I took my usual warm shower. 

A few more days passed. I wanted to continue snuggling under the warm comforter during the chilly winter mornings. 

One day, I challenged myself to simply touch the cold water. I didn’t come near the cold water until the late afternoon. 

I told myself that I just needed to be in the cold water for 15 seconds. Not one minute. Not even 30 seconds. 15 seconds. That’s it. 

I started with my limbs and caught my breath. It was cold. I’m such a wimp, my inner judge said. 

And then I stood under the water. I had to remind myself to breathe. And just like that, my watch vibrated after 15 seconds passed. 

That’s it. I did it!

Jaws clenching to keep my teeth chattering, I quickly grabbed my towel. 

I don’t like the cold much. I wear layers. I never leave the home, even during summer days, without a second layer. I like to feel warm and toasty. 

And now I just did 15 seconds of cold water in my own bathroom. Intentionally

I felt liberated. 

And the next day, I moved my cold shower time a bit earlier to lunch time and did 30 seconds. 

And then the next day, 45 seconds. 

Each time I took my shower, I would start with my limbs, my face, and then my entire body. 

At around the 1 minute mark, I started to build up my confidence. 

I stayed at the 1 minute mark for a few days before I bumped it up to 1 minute 15 seconds. 

I eventually built up my tolerance for a full 3 minutes.

And now, it’s a daily practice. 

First thing in the morning, before I have time to think, I turn on the shower and jump directly in. 

My breath still catches but I’ve learned to deepen my breath and stay focused on the cold water. On the strange sensations on my skin.

Most days I do 2 minutes straight and another minute standing in the cold before toweling off. I feel the chill dissipate and the warmth of my body being activated. 

That initial 15 seconds on a random afternoon opened a crack in the door for me to develop a routine that I now look forward to. I still feel the flinch when the cold water hits, but the benefits are palpable. 

I now begin my mornings with a lot more clarity, focus, and energy. 

We are made to do hard things. 

I invite you to begin your projects lightly. 

Whatever you’re attempting to do, stay focused on YOUR own journey and progress. 

Even if it appears easy for others, who may excel in whatever you’re starting out to do, stay focused on your OWN progress.

Yes, I know there are people who swim in the cold ocean, or do daily cold plunges, or regular ice baths in snowy regions, but here in my own home, my daily progress includes my cold showers.

Even if it’s the smallest step you can think of to do - a hint - towards something you are aching and to explore - just start. 

That first flicker of movement will generate energy to help lead you to the next step. 


Be unapologetically you.


Make change your friend